Welcome to the ROMEO & JULIET Information page. Here you find everything you need for information for rehearsals and the show. We have created lots of ways to communicate so make sure you sign-up below. Please make sure you schedule your fitting with costumes so we can begin to locate costumes. If you have any props that may work for the show, feel free to bring them in! If you have any questions about what rehearsals you need to be at, please consult the calendar and actor scene break down below.
SNACKS FOR REHEARSAL 9/5-9/8: We have a Signup Genius for anyone who wants to bring in Snacks for Tech Week: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4AABA92AA2F8C25-youcant
SATURDAY LUNCH PIZZA 9/9: Here is the sign-up for lunch on Saturdays Rehearsal: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4AABA92AA2F8C25-lunch
POTLUCK FOR DRESS REHEARSALS 9/11-9/13: We need ALL parents to help for our Cast & Crew Potlucks 9/11-/913. Dress Rehearsal nights are late nights, so we provide dinner for the cast and crew and we can't do it without you! Here is the link to sign up for Dress Rehearsal Potlucks: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4AABA92AA2F8C25-potluck
SATURDAY LUNCH PIZZA 9/9: Here is the sign-up for lunch on Saturdays Rehearsal: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4AABA92AA2F8C25-lunch
POTLUCK FOR DRESS REHEARSALS 9/11-9/13: We need ALL parents to help for our Cast & Crew Potlucks 9/11-/913. Dress Rehearsal nights are late nights, so we provide dinner for the cast and crew and we can't do it without you! Here is the link to sign up for Dress Rehearsal Potlucks: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4AABA92AA2F8C25-potluck